And just like that, the old widget is gone again. The following link will open up a new browser tab and play the stream. It should work for pretty much any browser on any device, which is pretty big talk considering how problematic our stream has been. If it doesn’t work, please use the link at the bottom of this page and let us know what browser and what device you’re using, and we’ll try something else.
Stream WHCL-FM in a new browser window.
You can also listen by clicking on the link below. When you click the link, your computer will download a small file which will end up wherever downloads go on your computer. If you go to that folder or click the download icon on your browser (it probably looks like an arrow pointing down) and (double-) click on the file, you computer should start up an app that will play the file.
If you prefer, you can click this to download and stream the show in your preferred m3u player.